i hate you. you keep letting me down in every way, shape, and form.
my arm is the least of my troubles now.
wednesday, in the morning, i woke up with a terrible pain in my legs. my arm was throbbing and swollen, so i thought it might have had something to do with that. after receiving delicious fluid through an I.V. at the hospital,i went home. my legs felt fine until thursday, in the afternoon. my arm wasn't swollen. i investigated and found terrible red rashes all over my legs and my chest. i assumed they were hives.
today i went to the clinic after school to get it checked out. i was praying for the old woman doctor i usually get, considering the placement of these rashes were primarily on my chest and groin-al area. no such luck. i got the beautiful, barely 30 doctor.
so i showed the doctor, who informed me it was an allergic reaction, but they aren't hives, they're 'welts.' apparently the antibiotic i was given was killing my mucus membranes and leaving me with giant welts in all the places that have all kinds of mucus hanging around.
back to the hospital, where they did some more blood tests, and determined that i am allergic to both antibiotics with penicillan in them, and antibiotics without penicillan.
so, the best thing i can do for my arm is polysporin, and the painful welts will be gone in '2-4 days'
what aggravation.