Sunday, October 21, 2007

back to my roots


i'm a blonde again, it's pretty neat.
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well, a dark blonde.

we still haven't heard from the girl about the apartment we want, but everything else is in order. sublet, dimo's blessing, etc.

school's going really well. i missed one day, which won't happen again. rock dollars can't happen that often anymore, that's all.
hopefully next semester's schedule will open up tuesdays for me.

if anyone has a copy of the ducktales movie, i'd really really really like to watch it.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


craig got denied at the border.
so we went to antigonish and pictou for thanksgiving

pretty sure we're moving.
hopefully to a nice place.
if it's still available.
and everything else falls into place.

i've started school again. it's a pretty strange adjustment.
6 months will fly by though. just you wait and see.

i've been quite resentful lately.