Saturday, March 31, 2007

the teenages

sometimes my life is so much like dawson's creek. in a bad, bad way.
the reason i love that show is because it's hilariously ridiculous. kids attempting to live their lives like adults, but end up being really really stupid.
everyone is polite to everyone else. everyone cares a lot about everybody's feelings.
but they're all really really stupid.
i'm stupid, other people are stupid. we're all really fucking stupid. halifax is one big cesspool of idiocy and dishonesty, with a few speckles of intelligence here and there.

be honest. that's all i want to say.

(don't jump me internet vikings. i don't consider myself a speckle)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

i have....

A NEW HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i got the apartment above the one world!!!!! i'm so excited!
it's super cheap, i'm all alone, i'm not in a gross basement, and i'm above the one world!!!!

i'm sad i won't be so close to a certain BFF, but i'm a short bikeride away!


Tuesday, March 27, 2007


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Monday, March 26, 2007

RIP vcr

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i'm pretty sure my vcr is busted. which makes me terribly sad. i can no longer watch the plethora of vhs tapes that i've stolen from friends and video stores over the past 3 years. my favorite vhs is rocky V. what an inspirational movie.

sorry tank girl. i'll miss you too.
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Saturday, March 24, 2007

edward scissorhands

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i always love watching this movie with people who have never seen it before. i've seen it about 8000 times, and i always cry like a stupid baby. and so does everyone else who has blood pumping through their veins

Thursday, March 22, 2007

making progress

i guess.
my 'fresh start' is beginning to sour a little bit. i've done some good stuff, but i've had more set backs than accomplishments. i guess i'm on the right track though.

i'm anxious to move out of my house. i've got tons of options, some brighter than others. i'm looking forward to a break from school, not so much to getting a job. but it will just be part time.

alright, here's my shopping list so i don't forget later.

cat litter
frozen broccoli
laundry detergent
dishwashing detergent

Sunday, March 18, 2007

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an interesting weekend.

whenever jen and i go out, it usually ends with one of us completely inebriated, and the other one much less inebriated. the latter takes care of the former, and the night is great. ha. not this past weekend. we both got extremely fucked on friday night. we cried together. we laughed together. we acted like idiots together. it was brilliant.
then, saturday, neither of us were drunk. we drank green juice, ate shitty pizza and watched quantum leap for hours. newwave was there too.
quantum leap is an incredible show. the scribbler set was lovely.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


i now own two pairs of plaid shoes.
and one pair of flaming red 5 inch heeled boots. they match my keytar perfectly (on purpose)

Monday, March 12, 2007

kill da wabbit!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

from yer first cigarette, ta yer last dyin' day

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west side story. great movie

Thursday, March 08, 2007

fresh start.... maybe?

so, after the past few months, i think it's time for a pretty fresh start.
it's time to take care of myself.

i had a conversation with my teacher lil about 2 months ago. we discussed me taking time off of school, figuring stuff out, and then coming back to finish.
i automatically said no, because i didn't want to put that burden on my parents.
we had the same conversation today, and it seemed like a very very very good idea.
i would take off april, may and june, then come back in july for a semester.

i'm also in line to get a new apartment. my friend nicole is going to take my place until june, then she's going to move into my new place. which will either be brent's old place on church street, or a place on windsor my mom found. or the place on robie. who knows.

i'm also thinking of going to a centre in dartmouth for a little bit. maybe. it might help. but i don't know about that. we'll see.

i've got high hopes for the next few months. i think i'm done trying to solve a problem that is apparently un-solvable. at least for right now, i think it's best to leave it alone. i need to focus on making things better for myself.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


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what is it with atlanta and car insurance?
i've never seen more car insurance commericials on television than i have on tbs


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yesterdays episode of dawson's creek was a big one. it was a good one.

pacey and joey struggle to find a way to tell dawson about their romance. andie reveals to joey that she still has feelings for pacey, making joey feel even worse.

anyway, in the end, both dawon and andie find out. dawson is furious. andie is devistated. pacey and joey decide to break up.

i can't wait for todays episode. maybe it will cheer me up a little bit. my head's been quite cloudy for the past few days