my 21st year.
this past year has been my worst/best year.
although the bad things that happened this year... unexplainable,
the good things definetly out-weigh the bad.
in 2007
-i had a mohawk
-i lived in 3 different houses
-i turned 20, leaving teenager-dom behind for good
-i cut two people who made me feel terrible out of my life
-i started seeing a doctor regularily
-i've been a lot less sick
-i've quit smoking for a month
-i'm returned to my roots
-i had a job, cleaning up after crazy old people
-i ruined a friendship
-i did things that made my parents cry a whole lot
-after some work, i stopped doing the things that made my parents cry
-i weakened my immune system
-then, strenghtened my immune system
-i took a well needed break from school, then returned when i was ready and focused (and now i am doing well)
-i lost some friends, but got to figure out who my good good good friends are
-i joined journalist wolf, i started playing music with my love under the guise 'the incredible melting band' and i've continued vulva culture in secret
-oh yeah, i started dating this guy craig which was the best descision i've ever made, despite the negative consequences.
-i fell in love
the good definetly out-weighs the bad.
this year i...
-graduate with a degree
-i turn 21
-i get to travel with craig and music
-my parents cut the cord (scary, but not too bad)
-i get a full time job ( in my industry hopefully)
2007 was good, but 2008 will be incredible.